2022/12/2 18:21、クック25cm屈折望遠鏡で撮影した月齢8.4の月です。コーワTE-11WZ接眼レンズとi Phone7によるコリメート撮影です。
This is the Moon at 8.4 lunar epoch taken by the Cooke 25cm refractor telescope at 18:21 on 2022/12/2. It was collimated by the Kowa TE-11WZ eyepiece and i Phone 7.
Seeing was poor that night due to the inflow of cold air. Therefore, I took a series of shots with a "good shot with a bad gun" approach.
When photographing the Moon with the Cooke 25cm refractor, the high contrast and resolving power of the long-focus refractor can be well appreciated.
A Guide to Observing Lunar Landforms, Motomaro Shirao, Seibundo Shinkosha, 2018